Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Weekend To Forget

     This past weekend started off like my past few weekends, volleyball with the guys. Except the difference was the lack of luck on my side this past weekend. After a few sets of volleyball we went inside to grab some drinks to cool off and come back out and play a few more sets before going out that night. Well we left our change of clothes on a bench next to the court and when we returned my wallet was gone. Yep, my wallet with my drivers license, credit card, debit card, 40 50 bucks in cash, $25 gift card to P.f. Chang's, $25 gift card to Cheesecake factory, and a few other items that i will never see again. So needless to say i was pretty upset, i spent the night canceling cards and wanting to hit someone other than going out that night and chilling with everyone.
     Unfortunately that's the beginning. Saturday afternoon i went to Universal and Islands of Adventure with the Reynolds's and Wend land's as they where on vacation. I'm getting all excited for having a day of no worries and no stress, once off the very first ride I rode i realized I didn't have a phone anymore. Apparently, my phone had fallen out of my pocket sometime during the Hulk. Do you have any idea how naked you feel with out and of your numbers or any type of communication?! Very naked in my case. Not a fun moment or weekend but I had everything canceled before any charges where made so thats a plus and I will be getting another phone Friday but the weekend wasn't a lucky one for Ben McLeod!  

No One other Than Me!
Ben McLeod

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I got a Mullet, wanna pull it?

     Ok so I'm not the normal coffee shop scene kinda guy. Even when I was in Albany I went to Starbucks just for coffee, not to hang. So anyways a few days ago I went to a local coffee shop here in Orlando with a few friends that happen to be open mic night. The interesting thing about the open mic is that it was hip-hop open mic. Yes this means people got up on stage and free-styled and rapped their newly written music.
     Anyways the real story here is two white guys who write their own music and they reminded me of the two guys from Wayne's World if you few who read this have seen the movie. One with a mullet and the other with a mustache. The funniest part was when they got up there for their last song which their lyrics included, now get this, "Hey, I got a mullet, wanna pull it, He's gotta' stash, wanna smash?" So at this point I'm about in the floor cause these guys are completely serious and two of the whitest guys i've seen in my life but rapping.