Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Camping in Ocala

Long Awaited Story to be put on here, yeah i'm way behind on blogging on here as you can see it's been since last fall...

Weeks back a few friends and myself went camping in Ocala, Florida. My friend Scott from Ohio had the great idea of "roughing it" in the same woods that they shot the Blair Witch Project. Yeah, awesome idea! We started out that Friday with class that morning into the afternoon so we couldn't even get on the road for the hour long drive until late. I heard one time the worst thing you could do when camping is trying to set up camp after dark, well that's what we did. Got to camp around eight or so and had no tent. Yep Scott had told us someone was bringing one and of course that person bailed at the last second. So with a fire going, little to no food, and no tent, this was going to be a long night. Oh, did i mention the low was 24 that night?! Another friend of mine had brought us some hotdogs and we where ready to eat when we had heard noises throughout the evening and low and behold, i kid you not, raccoons came out of the woods and carried the hotdogs away into the darkness and up a tree.
So after we had calmed down we had a few other friends call us who wanted to come but they where lost. Being in the middle of the nowhere we had no service, so we had to drive twenty minutes out the woods for that service. Scott drives out of the woods and driving down the road around 60mph trying to find them a deer came out of nowhere and shatters his entire windshield. Completely traumatized we head back for the camp site to get my car to try to continue to find them. Once back I'm exhausted at this point so i ask Casey to drive my Jeep. Once in my car Casey puts it in reverse, "Casey, you know it's in reverse right?" "Yeah man!" So i think it through and then say, "Casey we're in the woods dude, are there any trees around?" And about that time my jeep experienced a thud if you will. So we get out and see that Casey has backed my jeep into a water spick-et and in a jet like fashion water is shooting very quickly into the people's campsite right next to us towards their tent. Not knowing what to do, we got in the car and left to find the others. Back at 3am to finally pile into the back of my jeep with it being in the 20's outside and i promise you it was just as cold in my car as it was outside. Needless to say a two night trip turned into getting up the next morning and driving home.

No One other Than Me,
Ben McLeod